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 An all natural approach to pain relief & injury prevention. Let's target the root cause of the problem and heal holistically! I have over 7 years experience with releasing shoulder,  low back, and sciatic pain relief specifically.

Specializing in various deep tissue techniques to release pain, muscle tension, and realigning the body for immediate relief.

You look like you knead a massage...

—Brittany Sabo



Brittany Here! I am a Registered Massage Therapist and Manual Osteopathic Therapist in the best city in Alberta— Edmonton!


I graduated Alberta College of Massage Therapy in 2017 and Manual Osteopathic College of Canada in 2021. 

I have always had a heart to help everyone and anyone I could. Over the years I’ve witnessed the people in my life suffer from various levels of discomfort, and not being able to find long term relief. Pains like chronic migraines, low back pain, locked necks and jaws, to hands and legs going numb to name a few. There’s nothing worse than watching people suffer in discomfort and pain. 
Enter me! I have spent my whole career specializing 
in various deep tissue/ therapeutic techniques that help decrease your pain and correct the dysfunction causing it in the first place. If I had to pick a area of the body I love to treat the most it would be hips and pelvis! It’s the body’s centre of gravity and you will have issues present themselves throughout the body when there is tension or a misalignment. Did you know migraines are more likely to be caused by a misaligned pelvis than just tension in your neck muscles? Now you do!


I am currently working in Sherwood Park, catering to individuals experiencing various body dysfunctions, aches+pains, and who are on the brink of exhaustion.


Whether your low back aches, you’re on day 3 of your latest migraine, or you just need a break from the stresses of life, you’ll find instant relief in my home studio.


Wanna see what all the fuss is about? Book a massage, today!



Brittany Sabo​

Practice Areas

Why Choose Brittany !

Direct Billing Available

I can bill most insurance companies on your behalf. I don't charge extra for add-ons like essential oils, cupping, or other modalities. I also don't accept tips! Save your money and put it towards your next massage.

Have you ever received a massage from a therapist who wouldn’t stop talking? I love a good chat, but I won't initiate a conversation with you during your massage. I follow your lead.


I disinfect absolutely everything in between appointments. I value your health and safety like my own.

YOU are in control

No aspect of your massage should come as a surprise. We'll conduct a thorough intake at your first appointment where I explain my treatment plan in detail. I make sure you know you always have the right to alter your session. Your session is about you, not me.

Custom Tailored Treatments

I keep track of your preferences—everything from your favourite lotions & oils,  your love of foot massages, your desired pressure, and even your music selection. You're not typical; why should your massage be?

Trauma Informed

I want you to feel safe and comfortable in your sessions. Not only have I done the book work- I have the real life experiences to pair it with. Even though I am a therapeutic/ deep tissue therapist, having a safe space to receive care is important to me.

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